IT Development

Amisource developers can automate your existing manual processes using custom built or available software. We will identify your requirements and help you during development and implementation.

Application software specifically developed for your organization’s very particular needs can play a critical role. A well designed custom built application helps to keep down inventory costs, reduces transportation costs, enhances customer satisfaction, reduces manufacturing times and in a myriad of other ways helps to attain your corporate goals at the lowest cost possible.

In the past only large organizations could afford to custom build software due to the massive costs involved.

Now, with the advent of the internet and advanced communication IP technology for the first time mid size companies have the opportunity to build custom designed applications leveraging lower costs of off shore development. Companies have saved as much as 60-80% of their development costs by utilizing an on site/offshore model.

We have an experienced team of developers in Sweden and Spain with all the skills needed for development of even large ERP applications. We have architects, DBA’s, programmers, graphic designers, testers and technical writers. Every member of the team has substantial experience and a past record of success in software development.

Get our team to work for you. Utilize their strengths. Have your organization leverage their skills for your benefit.